Operating System Assignment Help
The operating system provides an interface between the computer user and the computer hardware. With the help of operating system a user can execute the programs in an easy and efficient way. The computer hardware is managed by the operating system which is software. When a computer starts up, then many computer programs try to access the CPU and memory. The operating system manages and coordinates all of these programs and organizes them in such a way that requirement of each program is fulfilled. The most commonly used operating systems are Microsoft windows, Linux etc.Graphic User Interface(GUI) is used by most operating systems which include combination of images, texts, lines etc. The input and output devices of a computer are also controlled by the operating system. The input devices give commands to the operating system in the form of signals to perform a certain task. For example; mouse, keyboard etc. The output devices are those which receive commands from the operating system such as monitor, speakers, printers etc. However you can also avail Operating System Assignment Help from the experts to know more about it.
You can now get Operating System Assignment Help from the experts who states the operating systems can be single user or multi-user. Multi user operating systems are expensive and with the increase in number of users its performance also decreases. There is also multi-tasking operating system which performs more than one task at a time. The operating systems are constructed in the form of modules in which each module is responsible for a unique function. Some of the important modules are kernels, process manager, scheduler, file manager. A kernel performs real time execution which includes various processes such as scheduling of processes, management of memory and processes etc. Real time execution is required because most of the programs are store on disks which are to be brought into main memory for execution. This all includes memory management and scheduling of processes depending upon various criteria. Operating systems make use of processes in which programs are executed.
The CPU is switched between processes so frequently such that it appears the operating system is executing more than one process at a time. The switching may be cooperative or pre-emptive. In cooperative switching the process gives up the CPU voluntarily whereas in pre emptive switching, the CPU has to be taken from the process. The process of switching between two processes is known as context switching. The process which is interrupted has to be saved as it may be required to be restarted. The state of process is saved in memory and process registers. The time period for which a program executes before being interrupted is known as quantum. A process can be executed if it has all the resources it requires, if it doesn’t have all the resources, it has to wait for some time. A condition in which a process is waiting for another process to release resources and that process is yet waiting for another process to release resources and so on, is known as deadlock. There are methods to preventdeadlocks. The concepts of paging and segmentation are used for memory management in OS. The complexity of composing an assignment help is now solved by the introduction of Operating System Assignment Help from Livewebtutors who has the team of experts furnished by years of experience.